Hitting the books..

passed-out-studyingLots of learning going on these days for The Onlies, and not nearly enough sleep. That’s life as a high schooler. Come February, they’ll be some gigs, a dance or two, and tutoring at Wintergrass. Stay tuned for news of those things, a CD release party and a few out of town gigs. For now, though… zzzzzzzzzzzzz

More Music @ The Moore

widget_dO-lr2tgLi6zwfnr3xemTJLess than a month ago, we auditioned for a program called More Music at the Moore (sponsored by STG). This program is for young musicians (ages 14-21) to train and progress with the help of successful local musical mentors. At the end of the process, the young musicians will perform on stage at the Moore for an audience of almost 1,000. Most of the people who auditioned were singer-songwriters or pop music players…not as folkish or fiddleish. However, despite that, we got a callback! We performed again on the Moore in front of the judges (one song and one Irish tune–they liked the Irish one best!), and recently received the news that we made it! It will give us an opportunity to collaborate with other amazing young musicians from around the Northwest, and hopefully create some awesome sonicular explosions. We are super excited and feel massively honored to be selected! The performance will be sometime in March, and we will give you more information about it later. Here is a video documenting last year’s event.


Concert with the Gloria Darlings at the Hales’s Palladium

We are playing a concert with the Gloria Darling’s at the Hale’s Palladium Sunday folk circle series on November 25th. You might even get to see another “epic feast of awesome!” The Hales

Palladium is a huge circus like room that would be fun to make it feel full. 🙂

Here is the Facebook invite. 

Here is the Gloria Darlings’ website.

Here is the website of the Hales Palladium.



Summer will come. Really!

As of this writing it seems like summer will never come to Seattle. But it will come. It must!

The Onlies are excited for their summer, which will include festivals, camps, busking, CD recording, dances, gigs, and hopefully some spontaneous outbreaks of great music on the porch. Keep up with their doings here and on their Facebook page.


A brief snooze

A brief snooze after an exciting and fun week

The Onlies are now back in Seattle, after a whirlwind of a great time at Valley of the Moon, and a sublime siesta on the beautiful campus of San Jose State University.

The kids learned lots of tunes that they will start incorporating into upcoming sets. First up: busking at the Redmond Saturday Market from 10 a.m. to noon Sept. 10, and a performance later that day at the Northgate Festival, 3 p.m. Catch them if you can!

Northwest Folklife online schedule rocks!

NW Folklife online sked rocks!

Northwest FolklifeHaving waited for years (a fifth of our lives, actually), we are absolutely droollingly in loooooooooooove with Northwest Folklife’s new online schedule. With it, you can organize your whole weekend and create your own schedule. You can save the schedule online, share it with others, download it to your smartphone, even download anroid and iphone apps, heck — if you’re feeling old-timey enough, you can even print it out. Whodathunk? (Well, actually, we did three years ago, but we weren’t as smart as the people as Sched, whom NWFolkLife is using and who got their start at SXSW.)

Happy fiddle!If you do, though, make sure to include — pardonnez le pun — The Only Event of the Weekend, if not the summer.