June West Coast Tour!

West coast come on out! We will be playing in a town near you in June — more detailed schedule in the text below. We are excited to wrap up our tour with a week of teaching at Big Sur Fiddle Camp, and we’ll also be leading the teen band lab at Fiddle Tunes in Port Townsend WA the following week. Details on our LIVE page. Hope to see you down the road!

tour dates:
June 14: Olympia WA (house concert)
June 15: Seattle WA (Royal Room)
June 16: Portland OR (Rose City Book Pub)
June 17: Summit OR (Summit Community Center)
June 18: Eugene OR (Viking Braggot)
June 19: Milo OR (house concert)
June 20: Alameda CA (house concert)
June 22: Santa Paula CA (Deep End Sessions)
June 29: Big Sur CA (Big Sur Fiddle Camp concert)

Teeny Tiny Tour!

Late May_159

The Onlies are about to embark on a very teeny-tiny tour down the west coast (by teeny-tiny I mean two stops….) and will be playing CD releases in Olympia and Portland!



The Oly show will be this Saturday, 8/22 at 7PM and the event is here:https://www.facebook.com/events/409466232579025/

The Portland show will be this Sunday, 8/23 at 5PM and the event is here:https://www.facebook.com/events/967569173265475/

Wahoo and thanks northern west coasters! See you there!


Qristina, Quinn, and the Qonlies

bachand021[2]In what is likely to be our last Seattle show for months, we have a sweet concert this week that has us sharing a bill with the dazzling B.C. brother/sister guitar/fiddle duo, Qristina and Quinn Bachand. The concert will be at Seattle’s most audience- and musician-friendly venue – the Royal Room in Columbia City, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 16.

We can’t recommend Q&Q enough – they’ve got amazing chops in a variety of styles, including Celtic, Classical, and Gypsy Jazz. They sing too! It should be an electrifying show start to finish.

Keep up with the details on the event’s Facebook page.



Pete Seeger would have turned 96 this week. We owe so much to him and all of his predecessors as folk musicians. We are also excited to announce that we will be taking part in a Pete Seeger Hootenanny at Town Hall Seattle next Saturday, May 9th. (It will just be Riley and Sami as the Onlies Duo because Leo will be at Essentially Ellington in NYC with the Garfield High Jazz Band (!)) So excited to honor Pete and also raise some money for the local organization, Earthcorps.
Find out more and buy tickets: http://townhallseattle.org/event/hootenanny/

Our East Coast Debut!

outpost_186_590_300_s_c1_smart_scaleWe’re checking out colleges in the northeast this week, and thought it would be fun to play a set for our east coast friends and relatives. We’ll be playing at a cozy little place in Cambridge, MA, a stone’s throw from so much history and erudition. It’s called Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge, MA 02139. We may well be joined by some Boston based folk luminaries, so if you are nearby, come on down. Music starts at around 8pm.

It’s a relatively small place, so reservations recommended.

The Messiah!

While it is not an Onlies gig, we’re excited that Sami and Riley are getting the chance to play a beautiful piece of music for a great cause. Their high school orchestra, the award-winning Garfield Symphony Orchestra, will be accompanying the singing of Handel’s Messiah at Seattle’s First Baptist Church, on Saturday, December 7th.

More details on the event’s Facebook page. It should be a great night!


Viva Mexico!!!

At the 2013 Festival of American Fiddle Tunes we were fortunate enough to dip our toes in the waters of the amazing music of the Tierra Caliente region of Mexico. Elena DeLisle saw us enjoying ourselves and proposed a project where we worked with expert fiddler Paul Anastasio and others on a concert or two of the best of these tunes. Paul’s three part fiddle harmonies are gorgeous, and Leo and Elena have been working hard on the tricky guitar rhythms.

The first concert is at 7:00 this Friday, November 22nd at  The Bounty (formerly known as Laughing Ladies Cafe) in Shoreline. Here’s the Facebook page for the event, with all the information you need to attend!



The Rain in Spain Lies Mainly on the Plain

090226210033-largeWe are often amused and delighted when we hear DJs and MCs (and new friends!) pronounce our somewhat tricky names. It’s one of the reason why our website banner prominently displays the proper pronunciation of “The Onlies.”

We realize we need to make it easier for everybody. Feel free to print this out and stick in your shoe for the next time you need it:

The Onlies – /thē ōn’ lēz/

Samantha Braman  – /sə măn’ thə      brā’ – mən/

Riley Calcagno  – /rī’  lē      kăl kăg’ nō/

Leo Shannon  – /lēō      shăn’ ən/

Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins!

Pumpkins - Halloween 010What could be more delightful than taking a short trip to the country on a (hopefully) beautiful fall day, sipping some delicious hot cider, and hearing some great music? We can’t think of a thing!

The Onlies are pleased to be playing the Oxbow Pumpkin Festival, at the Oxbow Farm and Education Center in Carnation, WA. If you don’t know about this amazing Northwest resource, check out their website. They are outstanding farmers and teachers, and this event kicks off a busy pumpkin and harvest season for them.

Six year old Riley thinks it will be a blast!